mardi 28 juillet 2009

I had a ball at the Gala

David came to Paris, always cause for excitement, but this time he had his suit in hand! Hooray off to the ball we go!

The weekend of June 6 ‘twas the weekend of the big school dance, and there was excitement in the air! But, first things first… what would a weekend in Paris be without a picnic by the Seine? A very anti-social one. The Seine is the place to be, everyone goes there with bottles of luscious French wine in one hand and a smelly but amazing cheese in the other. At picnics is where life happens in Paris…
For Mel and Morgan’s birthdays I made a cake, bought my smelly chevre and two bottles of Bordeaux 2005. Check, check, check. So, David and I went and enjoyed a lovely evening with my whole crew from school. We drank and were merry till the crack of dawn.

That dawn was the morning of the school dance! David and I had a lazy day in preparation for the fête that lay ahead of us. Before meeting up with friends, David and I went to a nice neighborhood café for dinner where we splurged on steaks and wine. Here we are:

From there we met up with all of our friends: Morgan, Rosemary, Thanh, and Nick (Not done justice in the blurry photo) and made our way to the Westin Hotel on the Rive Droite, which also happened to be the same hotel President Obama’s staff was staying in that weekend (as it was the same weekend when he came and spoke in Normandy). The hotel was beautiful, as were all of the guests. We made our way to the open bar for our first glass of champagne and made the first of many toasts of the evening.
Getting ready!

David and I attempted to dance the Waltz but everyone on the floor was quite good and we were soon bumper-car-ed on outta there, so we all went to a more lay-person friendly dance floor and danced the night away!

Rosemary, Morgan and me... rocking the party!
The hotel was incredible:

Dancing queen!

Here we all are...

At a little after 4 am, with tired feet and a tired stomach from 4 glasses of champagne (who knew such golden fabulousness was so hard to digest?) David and I said Adios to the fete and moved on to our new challenge: trying to get a cap on a rainy night. Well, after many failed attempts, a little leg showing, and many thumbs, David finally tackled a cab (literally) and we were finally on our way home after a truly fun night.
The following morning, or should I say afternoon , David and I went to a Parisian Sunday Brunch with my roommate, Anas. Here we are in one of my favorite bars, Le Tournesol.
And that concludes yet another great weekend... Thank you for reading!

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